Friday, 27 June 2014

Meaning of Color and Your Birthday ! Must Try...

Try this :) 

Meaning of color and your Birthday

Don't cheat, if you are honest, this tells the truth. It's pretty good. Write your answers on a piece of paper, and NO cheating!! The answers are at the bottom.  

1.      Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?

2..      Your first initial?

3..      Your month of birth?

4..      Which color do you like more, black  or white?

5..      Name of a person of the same gender as yours..

6..      Your favorite number?

7...      Do you like Flying or Driving more?

8..      Do you like a lake or the ocean more?

9..      Write down a wish (a real one). 

When you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat!)


1. If you choose:

RED- You are alert and your life is full of love. 
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back..   
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love. 
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down. 

2. If your initial is: 
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life. 
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom. 
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.. 

3. If you were born in: 
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected. 
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever. 
July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good. 
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate. 

4.. If you chose: 
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time, but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change. 
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it. 

5. This person is your best friend. 

6 This i s how many close friends you have in your lifetime. 

7. If you chose: 
Flying: You like adventure. 
Driving: You are a laid back person. 

8.. If you chose: 
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are reserved. 
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people. 

Share If your Liked it :)

Monday, 23 June 2014

Four Ice Cream Cones

16 year old Marrissa and I went out for ice cream after the service. We had just heard a challenging message on meals that count. A meal that counts is when you invite someone to eat with you that you don’t know or have as a guest someone who needs a meal and friendship.
We were mulling this over as we drove to 31 Flavors. We passed a young man standing by himself in front of the door. Marrissa nudged me, "Ask him if he wants ice cream or otherwise our time at 31 Flavors won't count.” I cringed but knew she was right.
"Can we buy you an ice cream cone?"
"My friend and I would like to buy you an ice cream cone."
"Your invitation is so random I am going to say 'yes.' "
We had a wonderful conversation while we waited for our ice cream. He was new to town and was glad to meet someone and share why he chose to move his family here. He had hoped for just such encounters of friendliness and community spirit.
I turned to look for Marrissa and saw her outside talking to an old man digging through the garbage. She soon brought him in to the ice cream store, announcing that she had her own money and she had found someone to 'come to the table' with her.
The four of us sat outside eating our ice cream together and talking for the next hour.
Some 'meals' you never forget. That will be one of them.

She Was Dead, But What Happened Next Blew Me Away!

Rabbits die all the time. But sometimes, miracles happen.
Nadia is a fourteen-year-old girl from Colorado. On Saturday morning of June 14th, her cats were sitting next to two of their families' cars. She went down to investigate, to find a rabbit lying on the ground, breathing heavily and apparently dying. while she watched, the rabbit slowly slipped away over the course of fifteen minutes. Not quite sure the rabbit was dead, Nadia touched her, but found no heartbeat.
Being an animal lover, she respected the fallen creature, and picked it up to find a good area for a burial. while she was taking the body away, she felt movement in the lower belly. She found her knife and slit the rabbit's stomach to find five amniotic sacs.
Out of five kits, three have survived the night, and hopefully the rest of their lives.

A Piece Of Bread

I was sitting in my car in a convenience store parking lot nibbling on a biscuit that I had bought for lunch. The morning had been busy and full of errands and the afternoon looked like it would be even busier still. It was one of those days that we often get in modern life with too much to do and too little time to do it.
I had decided to take a five minute break then and eat my biscuit slowly instead of wolfing it down while I was driving. I had found that little breaks like that were essential to keeping my heart happy, my mind clear, and my soul at peace. I said a little prayer of thanksgiving to God for the food and beautiful day and watched the green leaves of the nearby trees dancing in the breeze. As I was taking another bite of biscuit I noticed a little bird flying from the trees to the parking lot looking for any crumbs it could find. It was so small and yet so beautiful. I watched it for a minute searching for food and then heard the gentle voice of my Heavenly Father in my heart and mind, "No act of sharing is ever insignificant in my sight," it said. I smiled when I heard this. Then I tore off a piece of my daily bread and tossed it to the bird. It hopped over, grabbed it with its beak and flew away.
I drove away laughing and spent the rest of the day with a little more joy in my heart. My sharing had done even more for me than it had for the bird. It had reunited me with myself. It had brought me closer to God. It had reminded me that in the busyness of our days here, it is our little acts of kindness and our little moments of love that are the most important things of all.
We are all put here to love. We are to love God. We are to love ourselves. We are to love everyone as ourselves. We are to love life. We are to love this world and all its creatures. No act of love is ever too small either. Even a piece of bread is priceless in the eyes of Heaven.

Cancer Don't Always Take Life of People - Inspirational Story Must Read

Cancer can take a lot of things. It can take your hope, your strength, or your belief in good. It can take your hair.
Cancer, melanoma to be specific, took some of the skin on my father’s back. Later, cancer would take half of my dad’s thyroid, then the whole thing. Cancer came a third time to take a patch of skin on the side of his head. But cancer is malicious and selfish. Cancer just came a fourth time to take more of my dad.
My father, Rich (or “Dickie” as my mother fondly calls him), did not grow up to the smooth sounds of Frank Sinatra and Barry White like I did. He wasn’t woken up by a fresh mug of coffee or gluten-free chocolate chip pancakes.
My dad was one of five children: three brothers and a sister. When my dad was a few months old, his oldest brother Danny drowned in the Charles River in Boston. His sister, Evelyn, was seven at the time. Evelyn had a life-threatening form of scoliosis and would grow up to experience more brushes with death than the amount of brushes in her art studio. But like my dad, Evelyn is strong. This past April, Evelyn had the esteemed honor of presenting a TED Talks speech. To this day, Evelyn remains one of the most enlightened, spiritual, and ethereal people I know. Shortly after Danny’s death, my father’s youngest brother Kenneth was born. Kenneth is intellectually impaired (or “retarded” for those morally impaired). My father’s childhood had more whiskey bottles than coffee mugs, more belts than hugs. But like his older sister, my father is strong.
So what did my dad do to deserve cancer? What does anyone do to deserve cancer? Why do the medical bills have to be so astronomical? Over the past five years, my dad has been diagnosed with cancer three times. Four times altogether. Each time I have found myself wondering Why him? Why my dad? I continuously catch myself feeling sorry and sad for my family’s situation then immediately feel guilty for throwing myself a pity party. Stop listening to Nora Jones and feeling sorry for yourself my inner voice will scold.
My inner voice is right. Solemnly staring out a rainy window as if I were a character on Pretty Little Liars won’t make my dad’s cancer scars disappear. Listening to Nora Jones and feeling sorry for myself won’t give my dad his thyroid back. But it’s hard and it’s scary. It’s hard when people comment on my ivory complexion or ask me what the hell I’m doing when I apply 80+ SPF sunscreen at the beach. Don’t you want a tan? My sun-kissed friends stare at me, a perplexed look plastered on their bronze faces. Am I supposed to say I can’t? I’m not allowed? “My dad had cancer four times,” seems as though it would put a damper on the light party conversation. If my mom had her way, I would be wearing a specially-made, sunscreen-infused t-shirt at every pool party and beach day.
But I was taught never to fear the sun. My father is the strongest man I know despite all he has gone through. He’s lived the life and experienced the tragedy of a dozen men but there is always a smile on his sunscreened face.
As I sit outside (in the shade) writing this post, my father plays Barry White on the old Bose speaker and sips a Diet Coke. Cancer took some of my dad’s skin and cancer took my dad’s thyroid. But cancer won’t take my daddy.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Some of the best moments in life

Lying in bed listening to
the rain outside

- Thinking about the person U love

- Taking a long drive on a
clam road

- Finding money in your old
jeans just U need it

- Holding your hands with
your friend

- Getting a hug from some
one special

- The moment your eyes are
filled with tears after a big

- Talking With Someone Special At Mid-night

- Getting Good Morning Text From Special One..

Hit " Like " If One of these has ever happened with you..

John vs Teacher - Very Very Funny Joke

It is near the Christmas break of the school year.The students have turned in all
their work and there is really nothing more to do.All the children are restless and
the teacher decides to have an early dismissal.

Teacher: Whoever answers the questions I ask first and correctly can leave early

Little John says to himself Good I want to get outta here. I m smart and will answer the question.

Teacher: Who said Four Score and Seven Years Ago?

Before John can open his mouth Susie says Abraham Lincoln.

Teacher: That's right Susie you can go home.

John is mad that Susie answered the question first.

Teacher: Who said I Have a Dream?

Before John can open his mouth Mary says Martin Luther King.

Teacher: That's right Mary you can go.

John is even madder than before.

Teacher: Who said Ask not what your country can do for you?

Before John can open his mouth Nancy says John F.Kennedy.

Teacher:That's right Nancy you may also leave.

John is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the questions.
When the teacher turns her back John says I wish these bitches would keep their
mouths shut.

The teacher turns around:NOW WHO SAID THAT?


Husband & Wife Funny Conversation - Must Read

One Day An Angry Wife To Her Husband 0n Phone: ”Where the Hell are you …?”

Husband: Darling do you remember the jewellery shop where you saw a very beautiful gold necklace and were desperate to buy it, but I didn’t have the money but promised to get it later when I get my salary…

Wife, With A Smile & Blushing: Sure I remember it my dear.

Husband: I am in the cafe next to that jewellery shop!!

Few Hours Later,

Husband sends a text message to his wife: “Hi, what are you doing Darling?”

Wife: I’m dying..!

Husband jumps with joy but types “Sweet Heart, how can I live without you?”

Wife: “You fool! I am dying my hair..”

Husband: “Bloody English Language

Before Sleeping,

Wife : How much do you love me ?

Husband : I love U so much, I can't measure.

Wife : No just tell me....

Husband : Okay, I am like a cell phone & you are my sim card, i am nothing without you...

Wife : Wow ! that's so romantic...

Husband (saying to himself): Thank God she doesn't know, this is a Chinese phone, with FOUR sim cards...

What is real love.....??

Let Me tell U...:-)?

1. Real love is whn u lay awake at night and wish dat person was lying next to u....

2. Real love is feeling dat person move u insde ur heart, evn if they are one thousand miles away...

3. Real love is wishing so hard dat u could dream about thm every night whn u go to bed....

4. Real love is whn u look at a picture of thm and say wow!!?

5. Real love is whn whatever happens in ur day, whatever music u listen to, whatever u read, whatever u imagine, whatever

someone says to u, it reminds u of thm....

6. Real love is whn u have a passion a desire to tell thm how much u love thm....

7. Real love is whn u cry urself to sleep as they will never be urs..

8. Real love is whn there is simply no words to explain how ur feeling....:-/?

9. Real love is whn no matter where u go in life, or whatever happens dat one person will always be there, following u like

a shadow.....

10. Real love is what lasts forever and ever and ever until forever never ever ends!!!!?

Beautiful story... MUST READ..

A very poor man lived with his wife...

One day, his wife, who had very long hair asked him to buy her a comb for her hair to grow well and to be well-groomed... The man felt very sorry and said, "NO"

He explained that he did not even have enough money to fix the strap of his watch he had just
broken... She did not insist on her request..

The man went to work and passed by a watch shop, sold his damaged watch at a low price and went to buy a comb for his wife...

He came home in the evening with the comb in his hand ready to give to his wife...

He was surprised when he saw his wife with a very short hair cut..

She had sold her hair and was holding a new watch band..

Tears flowed simultaneously from their eyes, not for the futility of their actions.., but, for the reciprocity of their love...

MORAL: To love is nothing, to be loved is something but to love and to be loved by the one you love,
that is EVERYTHING...

Never take love for granted... ?

Customer Vs Waiter... Very Funny Conversation..

Customer :Waiter, do you serve crabs?
Waiter :Please sit down sir, we serve everyone.

Customer:Waiter, is this a lamb chop or pork chop?
Waiter:Can't you tell the difference by taste?

Customer:No, I can't.
Waiter:Then does it really matter?

Customer:Waiter, there's a dead beetle in my soup.
Waiter:Yes sir, they are not very good swimmers.

Customer:Waiter, there's a fly in my soup.
Waiter:That' s all right sir, he won't drink much.

Waiter: I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg.
Customer: Don't tell me your problems. Give the menu card.

Customer:Waiter, there's a fly swimming in my soup.
Waiter: So what do you expect me to do, call a lifeguard?

Customer: Waiter, there’s a fly in my soup.
Waiter: That’s all right sir, he won’t drink much.

Customer :Waiter, what's the meaning of this fly in my tea up?
Waiter :I wouldn't know sir, I'm a waiter, not a fortune teller.


A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl.

Although his English was not perfect, they got along very well.

One day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him to arrange a divorce for him.

The lawyer said that getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions:

Have you any grounds?
Yes, an acre and half and nice little home.

No, I mean what is the foundation of this case?
It made of concrete.

I don't think you understand. Does either of you have a real grudge?
No, we have carport, and not need one.

I mean what are your relations like?
All my relations still in Poland .

Is there any infidelity in your marriage?
We have hi-fidelity stereo and good DVD player.

Does your wife beat you up?
No, I always up before her.

Is your wife a nagger?
No, she white.

Why do you want this divorce?
She going to kill me.

What makes you think that?
I got proof.

What kind of proof?
She going to poison me.......................
She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom.
I can read English pretty good, and it say: POLISH REMOVER -

Women will Never Change!!!

A woman and a man are involved in a car accident.

It's a bad one, caused by the woman's reckless driving.

Both of their cars are demolished but amazingly neither of them are hurt.

After they crawl out of their cars, the woman says;

“So, you're a man. That's interesting. I'm a woman.

Wow, just look at our cars! There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt.

This must be a sign from God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace for the rest of our days."

The man replied," I agree with you completely. This must be a sign from God!

The woman continued, "And look at this, here's another miracle.

My car is completely damaged, but this bottle of wine didn't break.

Surely God wants us to drink this wine and celebrate our good fortune." Then she hands the bottle to the man.

The man nods his head in agreement, opens it, drinks half the bottle and then hands it back to the woman.

The woman takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and hands it back to the man.

The man asks, "Aren't you having any?"

She replies, "Nah. I think I'll just wait for the police to come and collect their evidence."

Adam ate the apple again !

Men will NEVER learn ! Women will Never change!!!

The Bus Conductor <<-- Must Read Thriller Story!!! -->>

Once there was a bus conductor, who was very rude to his passengers.

One day a beautiful young girl, of around 18 years,tried to board the bus, but he didn't stop the bus.

Unfortunately the beautiful young girl came under the bus and died on the spot. Angry passengers took the conductor to the police station, who in turn took him to the court.

The judge was not at all impressed with him and gave him capital punishment.

He was taken to the electrocution chamber. There was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. The conductor was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. But to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.

After a few months, this time, a good looking middle aged woman tried to board the bus but the conductor didn't stop the bus. Unfortunately, this time also, the good looking middle aged woman came under the bus and died on the spot.

Again angry passengers took him to the police station, who in turn took him to the court. The judge took one look at the conductor and gave him capital punishment. The Bus conductor was taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him. This time also, to everyone's amazement, he survived. The judge decided to set him free, and he returned to his profession.

A couple of months later, an elderly gentleman tried to board the bus.

This time the Bus conductor, remembering his earlier experiences, stopped the bus. Unfortunately the elderly gentleman slipped and died due to his
injuries. The conductor was taken to the police station and then to the court, to the same judge. Though he hadn't done anything wrong, but considering his past record the judge decided to set an example and gave him capital punishment.

The Bus conductor was again taken to the same electrocution chamber where there was a single chair in the center of the room and a single banana peel at one corner of the room. He was strapped to the chair and high voltage current was given to him.

This time he died instantly !!!!!!!!!!!

The question is why didn't he die on the first two occasions, but died instantly the third time??

Try to solve it yourselves. This is rather interesting and answer is perfectly logical. If necessary read the puzzle once again.

Still couldn't? Then see below.........

Think hard



Wanna know the answer????

Okay........ here is the Answer............

During the first two times, the conductor was a Bad Conductor, therefore electricity didn't pass through him. But during the third time, he was a good conductor, so electricity passed through him freely and he died !!!!


Don't swear at me!! I am also looking for the guy who sent me this... and for the Banana Peel, someone must have removed it by now, don't bother!


Once upon a time all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island for a vacation. According to their nature, each was having a good time. Suddenly, a warning of an impending storm was announced and everyone was advised to evacuate the island.

The announcement caused sudden panic. All rushed to their boats. Even damaged boats were quickly repaired and commissioned for duty.

Yet, Love did not wish to flee quickly. There was so much to do. But as the clouds darkened, Love realised it was time to leave. Alas, there were no boats to spare. Love looked around with hope.

Just then Prosperity passed by in a luxurious boat. Love shouted, “Prosperity, could you please take me in your boat?”

“No,” replied Prosperity, “my boat is full of precious possessions, gold and silver. There is no place for you.”

A little later Vanity came by in a beautiful boat. Again Love shouted, “Could you help me, Vanity? I am stranded and need a lift. Please take me with you.”

Vanity responded haughtily, “No, I cannot take you with me. My boat will get soiled with your muddy feet.”

Sorrow passed by after some time. Again, Love asked for help. But it was to no avail. “No, I cannot take you with me. I am so sad. I want to be by myself.”

When Happiness passed by a few minutes later, Love again called for help. But Happiness was so happy that it did not look around, hardly concerned about anyone.

Love was growing restless and dejected. Just then somebody called out, “Come Love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so magnanimous, but jumped on to the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a safe place.

On getting off the boat, Love met Knowledge. Puzzled, Love inquired, “Knowledge, do you know who so generously gave me a lift just when no one else wished to help?”

Knowledge smiled, “Oh, that was Time.”

“And why would Time stop to pick me and take me to safety?” Love wondered.

Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and replied, “Because only Time knows your true greatness and what you are capable of. Only Love can bring peace and great happiness in this world.”

When we are prosperous, we overlook love. When we feel important, we forget love. Even in happiness and sorrow we forget love. Only with time do we realize the importance of love. Why wait that long? Why not make love a part of your life today?”


THE 4 WIFES - An Inspirational Story

There was a rich merchant who had 4 wifes. He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies.He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.

He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.

He too, loved his 2nd wife. She is a very considerate person, always patient and infact is the merchant's confidante. Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times.

Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.

One day, the merchant fell ill. Before long, he knew that he was going to die soon. He thought of his luxurious life and told himself, "Now I have 4 wives with me. But when I die, I'll be alone. How lonely I'll be

Thus, he asked the 4th wife,"I loved you most, endowed you with the finest clothing and showered great care over you. Now that I'm dying,will you follow me and keep me company?" "No way!" replied the 4th wife andshe walked away without another word.

The answer cut like a sharp knife right into the merchant's heart. The sad merchant then asked the 3rd wife, "I have loved you so much for all my life. Now that I'm dying, will you follow me and keep me company?""No!"replied the 3rd wife."Life is so good over here! I'm going to remarry when you die!" The merchant's heart sank and turned cold.

He then asked the 2nd wife,"Ialways turned to you for helpand you've always helped meout. Now I need your help again. When I die, will you follow me and keep me company?" "I'm sorry, I can't help you out this time!" replied the 2nd wife. "At the very most, I can only send you to your grave." The answer came like a bolt of thunder and the merchant was devastated.

Then a voice called out : "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go." The merchant looked up and there was his first wife. She was so skinny, almost like she suffered from malnutrition. Greatly grieved, the merchant said, "I should have taken much better care of you while I could have !"

'Every man and woman has four wives or husbands. What do these wives signify?'

The 4th 'wife' is our body. We love our body day and night. In the morning, we wash our face, put on clothing and shoes. We give food to our body. We take care of our body like the fourth wife in this story. But unfortunately, at the end of our life, the body, the first 'wife' cannot follow us to the next world. As it is stated in a commentary, 'When the last breath leaves our body, the healthy color of the face is transformed, and we lose the appearance of radiant life. Our loved ones may gather around and lament, but to no avail. When such an event occurs, the body is sent into an open field and cremated, leaving only the white ashes.'This is the destination of our body.

Our 3rd wife ? Our possessions, status and wealth. When we die, they all go to others.

The 2nd wife is our family and friends. No matter how close they had been there for us when we're alive, the furthest they can stay by us is up to the grave.

The 1st wife is in fact our soul, often neglected in our pursuit of material, wealth and sensual pleasure.


A poor couple who lived in a small village in London. They had only one son. Gave him the best education. Son graduated as an Engineer in the nearby city. Eventually,got married to a rich girl.

Initially, they lived with his parents in the village. Soon the wife got tired of village life and persuaded the husband to move to the city leaving the old parents in the village.

As time passed by the husband seen an advert in the newspaper about a vacancy in Barnet. He was successful and lived in Barnet for years with his wife. Regularly he used to send money to parents.

Eventually with time he stopped and forgot about his parents ever existed.

Every year he made Hajj(pilgrimage) and immediately after that he used to see someone telling him in a dream that his Hajj is not accepted.

One day he related story to a pious Aalim who advised him to go back to London to visit his parents.

The man flew to London and reached the boundary of the village. Everything had changed. He could not find his house. He asked a small boy about the whereabouts of so and so. The little boy directed the man to a house and said:

“In this house lives an old blind lady who lost her husband a few months ago. She has a son who migrated to Saudi Arabia years back and never came back again. What an unfortunate man?”

Son enters the home and finds his mother on the bed. He tip-toed as not to wake her up.He hears the mother whispering or mumbling something. He gets closer to hear her voice. This is what the mother was saying:

“God ! I am now very old and blind. My husband just died. There is NO HUSBAND to lower me in my grave when I die. So please send my son to fulfill my last wish. “

This is the ending of a story where the PRAYERS of a mother is accepted.

A human body can bear only 45 del (unit) of pain. But at the time of giving birth,a mother feels up to 57 del(unit) of pain. This is similar to 20 BONES GETTING FRACTURED, all at the same time!!


Must Read Inspirational Story..........!

This is a true story of a young woman who went through the most gruesome fire. When you read her story, you’ll realize that your trials are absolutely nothing compared to what this young girl went through.

It was September 25, 2000. Maricel Apatan was an 11-year old girl in Zamboanga. On that day, this little girl went with her uncle to draw water.

Along the way, four men met them. They were carrying long knives. They told her uncle to face down on the ground, and they hacked him on the neck and killed him.

Maricel was in total shock, especially that the men were their neighbors. She tried to escape, but the men ran after her.

She cried, “Kuya, ‘wag po, ‘wag n’yo akong tagain! Maawa po kayo sa akin!” (“Don’t kill me! Have mercy on me!”)

But they weren’t listening. With a long knife, a man slashed her on the neck too.

Maricel fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she saw a lot of blood. She also saw the feet of the men around her, but she pretended to be dead.

When they walked away, Maricel ran back home. But along the way, she saw that both her hands were falling off. Because the men hacked them too. She cried but she kept running.

Sometimes, she would faint and fall to the ground. But she’d regain consciousness and run again.

When she was near her home, Maricel called her mother.

Upon seeing her daughter, her mother screamed in terror. She wrapped her bloodied child in a blanket and carried her to the hospital.

Here was the problem: From her house to the highway, it was a 12-kilometer walk. It took them 4 hours just to reach the highway.

When they arrived in the hospital, the doctors thought Maricel was going to die. But for 5 hours, they operated on her. It took 25 stitches to stitch together the long knife wound in her neck and back.

Maricel barely survived. And she lost both of her hands.

Ironically, the next day was Maricel’s birthday. She was 12 years old.

But tragedy didn’t end there. When they went home, they saw their home was gone. It was ransacked and burned down by the goons.

Being very poor, Maricel’s family also didn’t have P50,000 for their hospital bills.

But God sent many angels along the way to help them.

Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, a distant relative, paid for hospital bills and helped them bring the criminals to court. They were sentenced to prison.

Today, she’s staying with the nuns at Regina Rosarii with Sr. Eppie Brasil, O.P.

But this is the incredible miracle. Instead of staying down, Maricel kept running.

Instead of cursing God why she had no hands, she now uses her wrists in incredible ways that will boggle your mind.

Maricel Apatan - Maricel was cited as the most industrious, best in computer, and most courteous in the School for Crippled Children.

In 2008, she graduated from a course in Hotel and Restaurant Management. She even received a Gold medal for Arts and Crafts.

In 2011, she finished her education to be a chef. Yes, a Chef without hands.

Nothing can stop this young lady from reaching her dreams.

"Real Winners Don’t Give Up!"


A flood was threatening a small town and everyone was leaving for safety except one man who said, "God will save me. I have faith." As the water level rose a jeep came to rescue him, the man refused, saying "God will save me. I have faith." As the water level rose further, he went up to the second storey, and a boat came to help him. Again he refused to go, Belying, "God will save me. I have faith." The water kept rising and the man climbed on to the roof. A helicopter came to rescue him, but he said, "God will save me. I have faith." Well, finally he drowned. When he reached his Maker he angrily questioned, "I had complete faith in you. Why did you ignore my prayers and let me drown?" The Lord replied, "Who do you think sent you the jeep, the boat, and the helicopter?"

The only way to overcome the fatalistic attitude is to accept responsibility and believe in the law of cause and effect rather than luck.

It takes action, preparation and planning rather than waiting, wondering or wishing, to accomplish anything in life.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

It Works Like Miracle Must Try !


Hey this is really true and see it will work for you

If U were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month U r number 1….

If U were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then U r number 2…

If U were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month then U r number 3…

If U were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month then U r number 4…

If U were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then U r number 5…

If U were born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month then U r number 6…

If U were born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month then U r number 7…

If U were born on the 8th,17th,26th of any month then U r number 8…

If U were born on the 9th,18th,27th of any month then U r number 9

Number 1

You are smart, straight talking, funny, stubborn,
hardworking, honest,Jealous on competing basis,
kind hearted, angry, friendly, authorities, Famous
person… always want to be and regarded as first
on people position, they are often like to be
independent, will never be under others, self
confident people!
You are most likely to fall in love in the younger
age, but will get marry when you mature! You are
likely to have problems with people who have
opposite views
And you are most likely to take revenge over your
enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender,
but you will have a good profession in the future.
If you are guy you will be very popular that
everybody will have mental attraction and respect
at you. You can go anywhere from the local shop
to the heart of the parliament because you are
positive and well talented in numerous issues!! But
in your life you will always have some people who
will work hard to bring you & your name down. This
is undercover!! Coz of your smart behavior you will
be hated by some people too…
Your family life is very cool, you will have a very
nice partner & wonderful children… You are pioneer,
independent & original…
Your best match is 4,6,8 good match is 3,5,7 !!!

Number 2

No matter what, you will be loved by every one coz
your ruler is the moon and every one loves the
Moon. Well.. You are a person who day dream a
lot, you have very low-self confidence, you need
back up for every move in your life, you are very
much unpredictable. Means you do change
according to time and circumstances, kind a
selfish, have a very strong sense of musical, artistic
talent, verbal communication.
Your attitudes are like the Moon, comes to gloom
and fade away so everybody can expect changes in
you. You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi who does
peace love or you can be a Hitler who wants to
destroy the man kind and peace (I mean in the
community and your own home).
If you really have a deep thought about your own
believe in God you can feel the difference which will
make you stronger! Most of the time your words
are a kind of would be happening true! So without
any knowledge you can predict the situation. You
will become poets, writers, any Artistic business
You are not strong in love, so you will be there and
here till you get marry.. If U r a girl you will be a
responsible woman in the whole family. If U r a
man you will involve in fights & arguments in the
family or Vice-versa. Means you will sacrifice your
life for the goodness sake of Your family…You are
gentle , intuitive with a broad vision, a power
behind the scenes, well balanced People!!!
Your best match is 2 ,5 ,9 no other people can put
up with you !!!

Number 3

You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of
the times, religious, loves to climb up in your life.
You always tend to have lots of problems within
your family in the early stages but you will put up
with everything.. You have the strong word power,
pretty happy face.. So wherever you go always you
have got what you wanted!!! And from the birth
always wanted to work hard in order to achieve
something.. You will not get anything without
hardwork! When you reach a man/ woman age you
want other younger once to listen to you because
you want younger people to respect people older
than them. You do set so many examples to
Generally you are not a cool person. It’s not easy
thing dealing with you. A tough player you are! But
once you like someone’s attitude then here you go,
what can I say? It will be a lasting friendship. You
always have respect from others.
Your life seems to have lots of worries and
problems but sure they won’t be long.. you will
always have brilliant kids!!! You love the money a
bit too much so temptation will push you to
endless trying and trying.. If you are a guy then it’s
over. Looking after your family and help friends, so
you will spend a life time just being generous and
kind (except 21st born men). And number 3s you
be such an example of how to be in the culture &
life!!! If you are girl then you have good character
and culture & hardworking attitude. You always
You are a freedom lover, creative, ambition focused,
a person who brings beauty , hope & joy to this
Your best match 6 ,9. Good match 1 ,3 ,5 !!!

Number 4

You are very stubborn too, very hard working but
unlucky in important matters in life, very cool,
helpful, you have rough word power.. Might put lots
of people away from you, you may cause nuisance
to others if you are a man, and you often
understands others and their problems well. If you
are a girl you are very good with studies and arts.
If you are a guy you spend most of the time after
girl friends (almost) at times, you will have sort of
too much fun life with mates & girls. Your friends
will spend your time & money and get away with
their life and you will become empty handed and
don’t know what to do… So be careful!! You love to
spend anyway!!!
Your good will is you are always there to help
family and friends. Tell you what you people are
little gem! s, specially the girls.. You always fall in
love in younger age as well. You often live with
disappointments, for an example you have got a
degree in some thing… but you will be unemployed..
or will do very ordinary jobs.
But you will take care of your family very well…All
you need to be careful of people who will take
advantage of your kind heart. And beware of your
relations too..
You are radical, patient, persistent,a bit old-
fashioned, you live with foundation & order…
Your best Match 1, 8. Good match 5 ,6 , 7 !!!

Number 5

You are very popular within the community, you
can get things done by just even
enemies! You have a pretty good business mind,
you are often have no-idea what is today is like, or
tomorrow is like, you are a person who does
anything when your head thinks “lets do this”. You
will be famous if you open up a business, get
involve in share dealings, music etc.. Very popular
with sense of humor ,you are the one your friends
and families will always ask for help, and you are
the one actually get money on credit and help your
friends. You will have more than 1 relationship, but
when u get settle down you will be a bit selfish
anyway. Coz your other half will have a pretty good
amount of control in you, be careful! You tend to
go for other relationships! Contacts even you are
married at times ‘coz your popularity..
You are someone who get along with anyone coz
the number 5 is the middle number.. Changes &
freedom lovers you are! You are an explorer with
magic on your face. You learn your life through
experience and it’s your best teacher!!!
Your best match 1 ,2 ,9. Good match 6 ,8 !!!

Number 6 are born to enjoy.. You don’t care
about others. I mean you are always want to enjoy
your life time, you are a person.. You will be very
good in either education or work wise or business
management! You are talented, kind (but with only
people who you think are nice), very beautiful girls
and guys, popular and more than lucky with
anything in your lives. All the goodness does come
with you. Your mind and body is just made perfect
for love.
You are lovable by any other numbers. But if you
are a number 6 man, you will experience kind of
looks from most girls and will involve in more than
few relationships until you get married. If you are
girl, most of you will get marry/engaged early. You
are a caring person towards your family & friends .
If you miss the half-way mark then you are about
to suffer physically and mentally. Generally you will
lead a very good inner-home happiness with
nothing short of. You are a person of compassion,
comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good
judgment, and after all you can heal this world
wounds to make peace for every life coz you have
the great power of caring talent to make this world
of love one step further…
Your best match 1, 6, 9. Good match 4, 5 !!!

Number 7

You have got the attraction to anyone out there,
you are realistic, very confident, happy, such a
talented individual with your education, music, arts,
singing, and most importantly acting too. You have
real problems with bad temper! If you are a girl,
you are popular with the subjects listed above.
You give up things for your parents. I mean you
value your family status a lot, you will be in the top
rank when you reach a certain age. If you are a guy
you are popular with girls, you are a very talented
too. Most of the number 7s face lots of problems
with their marriage life.
Only a very few are happy. You have everything in
your life, but still always number 7s have some sort
of unfullfilness, such worries all their lifetime.
It’s probably the Lord given you all sort of over the
standard humans talents and you are about to
suffer in family life. So you need to get ready
looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you
don’t, then you might end-up single. So take care
with this issue, ok?
You are wonderful, friendly, artistic, happy person..
You are born to contribute lots to this world!!!
Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1,4 !!!

Number 8

You are a very strong personality, there’s no one
out there will understand you. You are very good at
pointing your finger at some thing and say “this is
You are more likely to suffer from the early ages. I
mean poverty. If your times are not good you might
lose either of your parent and end up looking after
your entire family. You often suffer all the way in
The problems will not allow you to study further,
but you will learn the life in a very practical way.
You are the one who will fight for justice and may
die in the war too. You are normally very reserved
with handful of friends and most of the time live
life lonely and always prepared to help others.
Well. once you get married (which is often late)
then your bad lucks will go away a bit and you! u
become safe. You will face un-expected problems
such as :
the error, government, poisonous animals,
You are some one with great discipline, persistence,
courage, strength which will take you to success.
You are a great part of a family team. You are a
Your Best match 1 ,4, 8. Good match 5 !!!

Number 9

Hey…you guys are the incompatibles people in the
world. You are so strong, physically and mentally…
You are often have big-aims. You will work hard
and hard to get there. Normally you suffer in the
early age from family problems and generally you
will have fighting life.. But when you achieve what
you have done, it’s always a big task you have
done! You are so much respected in the
community, you are a person who can make a
challenge and successfully finish the matter off.
You are very naughty in your younger age, often
beaten up by your parents and involve in fights and
you seemed to have lots of injuries in your life
time. But when u grow you become calm and
macho type.
Love is not an easy matter for you. You are good in
engineering or banking jobs coz people always
trust you.
Your family life is very good, but will have worries
over your children.
Your such qualities are humanitarian, patient, very
wise & compassionate.
You are born to achieve targets and serve every
one all equally without any prejudice.
You are totally a role model to anybody in the
world for a great inspiration.
Your Best match 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match 2

Monday, 10 March 2014

Love and Angriness...

While a man was polishing his new car, his 6 yr old son picked up a stone and scratched lines on the side of the car. In anger, the man took the child's hand and hit it many times; not realizing he was using a wrench.

At the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. When the child saw his father.....with painful eyes he asked, 'Dad when will my fingers grow back?' The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his own actions.......sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written

The next day that man committed suicide. . .

Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life..... Things are to be used and people are to be loved. But the problem in today's world is that, People are used and things are loved....Let's be careful to keep this thought in mind: Things are to be used, but People are to be loved.

Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits they become character;Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. I'm glad a friend forwarded this to me as a reminder. God bless you. If you don't share this on nothing bad will happen; if you do, you might change someones life.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Drive Safely And Carefully!

Jack took a look at his speedometer before slowing down: 73 in a 55 zone… Fourth time in as many months. How could a guy get caught so often?
When his car had slowed to 10 miles an hour, Jack pulled over, but only partially. Let the cop worry about the potential traffic hazard. Maybe some other car will tweak his backside with a mirror.
The cop was stepping out of his car, the big pad in hand. Bob? Bob from church? Jack sunk farther into his trench coat. This was worse than the coming ticket. A Christian cop catching a guy from his own church. A guy who happened to be a little eager to get home after a long day at the office. A guy he was about to play golf with tomorrow. Jumping out of the car, he approached a man he saw every Sunday, a man he’d never seen in uniform.
“Hi, Bob. Fancy meeting you like this.”
“Hello, Jack.” No smile.
“Guess you caught me red-handed in a rush to see my wife and kids.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Bob seemed uncertain. Good.
“I’ve seen some long days at the office lately. I’m afraid I bent the rules a bit, just this once.” Jack toed at a pebble on the pavement.
“Diane said something about roast beef and potatoes tonight. Know what I mean?”
“I know what you mean. I also know that you have a reputation in our precinct.”
Ouch! This was not going in the right direction. Time to change tactics.
“What’d you clock me at?”
“Seventy-one. Would you sit back in your car, please?”
“Now wait a minute here, Bob. I checked as soon as I saw you. I was barely nudging 65.” The lie seemed to come easier with every ticket.
“Please, Jack, in the car.”
Flustered, Jack hunched himself through the still-open door. Slamming it shut, he stared at the dashboard. He was in no rush to open the window. The minutes ticked by. Bob scribbled away on the pad. Why hadn’t he asked for a driver’s license? Whatever the reason, it would be a month of Sundays before Jack ever sat near this cop again.
A tap on the door jerked his head to the left. There was Bob, a folded paper in hand. Jack rolled down the window a mere two inches, just enough room for Bob to pass him the slip.
“Thanks.” Jack could not quite keep the sneer out of his voice.
Bob returned to his car without a word. Jack watched his retreat in the mirror. Jack unfolded the sheet of paper. How much was this one going to cost?
Wait a minute. What was this? Some kind of joke? Certainly not a ticket. Jack began to read:
“Dear Jack,
Once upon a time I had a daughter. She was six when killed by a car. You guessed it – a speeding driver. A fine and three months in jail, and the man was free. Free to hug his daughters. All three of them. I only had one, and I’m going to have to wait until heaven before I can ever hug her again. A thousand times I’ve tried to forgive that man. A thousand times I thought I had. Maybe I did, but I need to do it again. Even now. Pray for me. And be careful. My son is all I have left.
Jack… twisted around in time to see Bob’s car pull away and head down the road. Jack watched until it disappeared. A full 15 minutes later, he, too, pulled away and drove slowly home, praying for forgiveness and hugging a surprised wife and kids when he arrived.
Author Unknown
Please drive safely and carefully.

A Heart Melt Real Story!

In the image above is Shila Ghosh, an 83-year-old woman who lives in Pali in West Bengal, a state in the eastern region of India and is the nation’s fourth-most populous.
Her only son had heart ailment and passed away a few months ago. To make ends meet, Shila now works. Every evening, Shila comes from Pali to Kolkata to sell chips.
When asked if she has a problem in travelling, she weakly smiled and said: “No, the bus gets me here and my health is not that bad”.
Circumstances could have easily forced her to beg but her dignity and respect is everything for her, she is determined to work until the end of her life rather than to beg on the streets.

When we go on complaining, let us remember her….. she chose to solve her problems on her own for as they say God helps them those who help themselves.
Don’t worry, Shila is being helped. Although she refuses donations and prefers to make her own living, many people found ways to help without making her feel dependent on anyone i.e. purchase more chips from her… some are also helping her to build a kiosk.

Things Change, Keep Up Your Faith!

For most people, graduation is an exciting day – the culmination of years of hard work. My graduation day… was not.
I remember that weekend two years ago. Family and friends had flown in from across the country to watch our class walk across that stage. But like everyone else in my graduating class, I had watched the economy turn from bad to worse my senior year. We graduates had degrees, but very limited prospects. Numerous applications had not panned out and I knew that the next day, when my lease ended, I would no longer have a place to call home.
The weeks ahead weren’t easy. I gathered up everything I couldn’t carry and put it into storage. Then, because I knew my small university town couldn’t offer me any opportunities, I packed up my car and drove to Southern California to find work. But what I thought would take a week dragged into two, and then four, and 100 job applications later, I found myself in the exact same spot as I was before. And the due date to begin paying back my student loans was creeping ever closer.
You know that feeling when you wake up and you are just consumed with dread? Dread about something you can’t control – that sense of impending failure that lingers over you as you hope that everything that happened to you thus far was just a bad dream? That feeling became a constant in my life.
Days felt like weeks, weeks like months, and those many months felt like an unending eternity of destitution. And the most frustrating part was no matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t seem to make any progress.
So what did I do to maintain my sanity? I wrote. Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearer – a little brighter. Something about writing gave me hope. And if you want something badly enough… sometimes a little hope is all you need!
I channeled my frustration into a children’s book. Beyond the River was the story of an unlikely hero featuring a little fish who simply refused to give up on his dream.
And then one day, without any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing world – just a lot of hard work and perseverance – I was offered a publishing contract for my first book! After that, things slowly began to fall into place. I was offered a second book deal. Then, a few months later, I got an interview with The Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.
The moral of this story is… don’t give up. Even if things look bleak now, don’t give up. Two years ago I was huddled in my car drinking cold soup right out of the can. Things change.

If you work hard, give it time, and don’t give up, things will always get better. Oftentimes our dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream… all we need is the courage to push beyond the river.