Friday 27 June 2014

Meaning of Color and Your Birthday ! Must Try...

Try this :) 

Meaning of color and your Birthday

Don't cheat, if you are honest, this tells the truth. It's pretty good. Write your answers on a piece of paper, and NO cheating!! The answers are at the bottom.  

1.      Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow?

2..      Your first initial?

3..      Your month of birth?

4..      Which color do you like more, black  or white?

5..      Name of a person of the same gender as yours..

6..      Your favorite number?

7...      Do you like Flying or Driving more?

8..      Do you like a lake or the ocean more?

9..      Write down a wish (a real one). 

When you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat!)


1. If you choose:

RED- You are alert and your life is full of love. 
Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back..   
Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love. 
Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down. 

2. If your initial is: 
A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life. 
L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom. 
S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.. 

3. If you were born in: 
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected. 
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever. 
July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good. 
Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate. 

4.. If you chose: 
Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time, but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change. 
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it. 

5. This person is your best friend. 

6 This i s how many close friends you have in your lifetime. 

7. If you chose: 
Flying: You like adventure. 
Driving: You are a laid back person. 

8.. If you chose: 
Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are reserved. 
Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people. 

Share If your Liked it :)

Monday 23 June 2014

Four Ice Cream Cones

16 year old Marrissa and I went out for ice cream after the service. We had just heard a challenging message on meals that count. A meal that counts is when you invite someone to eat with you that you don’t know or have as a guest someone who needs a meal and friendship.
We were mulling this over as we drove to 31 Flavors. We passed a young man standing by himself in front of the door. Marrissa nudged me, "Ask him if he wants ice cream or otherwise our time at 31 Flavors won't count.” I cringed but knew she was right.
"Can we buy you an ice cream cone?"
"My friend and I would like to buy you an ice cream cone."
"Your invitation is so random I am going to say 'yes.' "
We had a wonderful conversation while we waited for our ice cream. He was new to town and was glad to meet someone and share why he chose to move his family here. He had hoped for just such encounters of friendliness and community spirit.
I turned to look for Marrissa and saw her outside talking to an old man digging through the garbage. She soon brought him in to the ice cream store, announcing that she had her own money and she had found someone to 'come to the table' with her.
The four of us sat outside eating our ice cream together and talking for the next hour.
Some 'meals' you never forget. That will be one of them.

She Was Dead, But What Happened Next Blew Me Away!

Rabbits die all the time. But sometimes, miracles happen.
Nadia is a fourteen-year-old girl from Colorado. On Saturday morning of June 14th, her cats were sitting next to two of their families' cars. She went down to investigate, to find a rabbit lying on the ground, breathing heavily and apparently dying. while she watched, the rabbit slowly slipped away over the course of fifteen minutes. Not quite sure the rabbit was dead, Nadia touched her, but found no heartbeat.
Being an animal lover, she respected the fallen creature, and picked it up to find a good area for a burial. while she was taking the body away, she felt movement in the lower belly. She found her knife and slit the rabbit's stomach to find five amniotic sacs.
Out of five kits, three have survived the night, and hopefully the rest of their lives.

A Piece Of Bread

I was sitting in my car in a convenience store parking lot nibbling on a biscuit that I had bought for lunch. The morning had been busy and full of errands and the afternoon looked like it would be even busier still. It was one of those days that we often get in modern life with too much to do and too little time to do it.
I had decided to take a five minute break then and eat my biscuit slowly instead of wolfing it down while I was driving. I had found that little breaks like that were essential to keeping my heart happy, my mind clear, and my soul at peace. I said a little prayer of thanksgiving to God for the food and beautiful day and watched the green leaves of the nearby trees dancing in the breeze. As I was taking another bite of biscuit I noticed a little bird flying from the trees to the parking lot looking for any crumbs it could find. It was so small and yet so beautiful. I watched it for a minute searching for food and then heard the gentle voice of my Heavenly Father in my heart and mind, "No act of sharing is ever insignificant in my sight," it said. I smiled when I heard this. Then I tore off a piece of my daily bread and tossed it to the bird. It hopped over, grabbed it with its beak and flew away.
I drove away laughing and spent the rest of the day with a little more joy in my heart. My sharing had done even more for me than it had for the bird. It had reunited me with myself. It had brought me closer to God. It had reminded me that in the busyness of our days here, it is our little acts of kindness and our little moments of love that are the most important things of all.
We are all put here to love. We are to love God. We are to love ourselves. We are to love everyone as ourselves. We are to love life. We are to love this world and all its creatures. No act of love is ever too small either. Even a piece of bread is priceless in the eyes of Heaven.

Cancer Don't Always Take Life of People - Inspirational Story Must Read

Cancer can take a lot of things. It can take your hope, your strength, or your belief in good. It can take your hair.
Cancer, melanoma to be specific, took some of the skin on my father’s back. Later, cancer would take half of my dad’s thyroid, then the whole thing. Cancer came a third time to take a patch of skin on the side of his head. But cancer is malicious and selfish. Cancer just came a fourth time to take more of my dad.
My father, Rich (or “Dickie” as my mother fondly calls him), did not grow up to the smooth sounds of Frank Sinatra and Barry White like I did. He wasn’t woken up by a fresh mug of coffee or gluten-free chocolate chip pancakes.
My dad was one of five children: three brothers and a sister. When my dad was a few months old, his oldest brother Danny drowned in the Charles River in Boston. His sister, Evelyn, was seven at the time. Evelyn had a life-threatening form of scoliosis and would grow up to experience more brushes with death than the amount of brushes in her art studio. But like my dad, Evelyn is strong. This past April, Evelyn had the esteemed honor of presenting a TED Talks speech. To this day, Evelyn remains one of the most enlightened, spiritual, and ethereal people I know. Shortly after Danny’s death, my father’s youngest brother Kenneth was born. Kenneth is intellectually impaired (or “retarded” for those morally impaired). My father’s childhood had more whiskey bottles than coffee mugs, more belts than hugs. But like his older sister, my father is strong.
So what did my dad do to deserve cancer? What does anyone do to deserve cancer? Why do the medical bills have to be so astronomical? Over the past five years, my dad has been diagnosed with cancer three times. Four times altogether. Each time I have found myself wondering Why him? Why my dad? I continuously catch myself feeling sorry and sad for my family’s situation then immediately feel guilty for throwing myself a pity party. Stop listening to Nora Jones and feeling sorry for yourself my inner voice will scold.
My inner voice is right. Solemnly staring out a rainy window as if I were a character on Pretty Little Liars won’t make my dad’s cancer scars disappear. Listening to Nora Jones and feeling sorry for myself won’t give my dad his thyroid back. But it’s hard and it’s scary. It’s hard when people comment on my ivory complexion or ask me what the hell I’m doing when I apply 80+ SPF sunscreen at the beach. Don’t you want a tan? My sun-kissed friends stare at me, a perplexed look plastered on their bronze faces. Am I supposed to say I can’t? I’m not allowed? “My dad had cancer four times,” seems as though it would put a damper on the light party conversation. If my mom had her way, I would be wearing a specially-made, sunscreen-infused t-shirt at every pool party and beach day.
But I was taught never to fear the sun. My father is the strongest man I know despite all he has gone through. He’s lived the life and experienced the tragedy of a dozen men but there is always a smile on his sunscreened face.
As I sit outside (in the shade) writing this post, my father plays Barry White on the old Bose speaker and sips a Diet Coke. Cancer took some of my dad’s skin and cancer took my dad’s thyroid. But cancer won’t take my daddy.

Friday 20 June 2014

Some of the best moments in life

Lying in bed listening to
the rain outside

- Thinking about the person U love

- Taking a long drive on a
clam road

- Finding money in your old
jeans just U need it

- Holding your hands with
your friend

- Getting a hug from some
one special

- The moment your eyes are
filled with tears after a big

- Talking With Someone Special At Mid-night

- Getting Good Morning Text From Special One..

Hit " Like " If One of these has ever happened with you..

John vs Teacher - Very Very Funny Joke

It is near the Christmas break of the school year.The students have turned in all
their work and there is really nothing more to do.All the children are restless and
the teacher decides to have an early dismissal.

Teacher: Whoever answers the questions I ask first and correctly can leave early

Little John says to himself Good I want to get outta here. I m smart and will answer the question.

Teacher: Who said Four Score and Seven Years Ago?

Before John can open his mouth Susie says Abraham Lincoln.

Teacher: That's right Susie you can go home.

John is mad that Susie answered the question first.

Teacher: Who said I Have a Dream?

Before John can open his mouth Mary says Martin Luther King.

Teacher: That's right Mary you can go.

John is even madder than before.

Teacher: Who said Ask not what your country can do for you?

Before John can open his mouth Nancy says John F.Kennedy.

Teacher:That's right Nancy you may also leave.

John is boiling mad that he has not been able to answer to any of the questions.
When the teacher turns her back John says I wish these bitches would keep their
mouths shut.

The teacher turns around:NOW WHO SAID THAT?